Groups can support individual members in times of pain and trouble, and they can help people grow in ways that are healthy and creative. Formal therapy groups can be a compelling source of persuasion, stabilization, and support. In the hands of a skilled, well-trained group leader, the potential healing powers inherent in a group can be harnessed and directed to foster healthy attachments, provide positive peer reinforcement, act as a forum for self-expression, and teach new social skills.

Group therapy and addiction treatment are natural allies. One reason is that people who abuse substances are often more likely to stay sober and committed to abstinence when treatment is provided in groups, apparently because of rewarding and therapeutic benefits like affiliation, confrontation, support, gratification, and identification. This capacity of group therapy to bond patients to treatment is an important asset because the greater the amount, quality, and duration of treatment, the better the client’s prognosis.
(Leshner 1997; Project MATCH Research Group 1997).

You can also call 516-741-3110 anytime to speak directly to a counselor. If we're not available, leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly.

The harvest of psychotherapy is not cure  but instead change or growth.” –
Irvin D. Yalom, The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy

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