Nassau Alternative

Peer Advocacy

You can also call 516-741-3110 anytime to speak directly to a counselor. If we're not available, leave a message and someone will get back to you shortly.

The primary function of a Certified Recovery Peer Advocate is facilitating outreach with individuals currently in a program or considering treatment. Utilizing their recovery expertise, professional training and lived experience, peers boost individuals’ engagement in treatment and commitment to recovery. CPRAs also connect patients to community-based recovery supports consistent with treatment, recovery, and discharge plans. Certified Peer Recovery Advocates duties may include:

  • Non-clinical crisis support, especially after periods of hospitalization or incarceration
  • Educating program participants about various modes of recovery
  • Accompanying clients to medical appointments
  • Raising awareness of existing social and other support services Linking participants to formal recovery supports
  • Assisting with applying for benefits